With that out of the way I decided to get ready for my GRE. I was scheduled to take it at 1pm so I figured if I left around noon then I would be okay to get there in time. I got there took the test and did okay (I got 520 verbal, 660 quantitative - not as good as I was hoping, but still okay). I was super duper fun (that is sarcasm in case you didn't notice).
On the way home I was feeling pretty good about things, listening to Christmas music and happy that I had taken the test and got that out of the way. I came to a stop on I-5 just about to get on the I-405 because of traffic and I had been stopped for a minute or two when suddenly *BAM* I got rear ended. Look in my rear-view mirror and this old lady is behind me with her car all smashed in. I get out and see if she is okay - all the while shaking like crazy. She is fine - but we don't really know what to do because neither of has been in a wreck before. We give each other our insurance info and I am thinking about calling the police and then this guy pulls up to help and he has road flares. He was super nice and his name was Dave. Then about a minute later the police show up so Dave leaves. The police officer takes our stuff and starts filling out this paperwork. Then about two minutes later ODOT comes and the police officer leaves. We fill out some stuff. I get to leave because my car runs fine (hers won't start and they have to wait for a tow).

I get home and call everyone I know to tell them about it. Then randomly a guy that I kinda know but not very well that I used to have a HUGE crush on texts me "hey what's up?". So I am like, okay, whatever. We text chat a bit and then he says he is looking for a dinner partner and would I like to go. I am like heck yeah, I need something to make my day better. He finally realizes I wasn't kidding about the getting rear-ended thing (as if I would joke about that) and then comes on over to get me. We go to this Hot Cake House in Portland that is pretty tasty. Then we came home. It was fun.
Then Adrianna and I went to WinCo quickly so we could get a few things - I needed to get stuff to make more cookies (I had made some for FHE on Monday, and now I need more) for a work potluck tomorrow and she needed food because she was totally out.
All-in-all, it was a crazy day. I really need to go to sleep and then in the morning I need to call and report that accident to the insurance peeps. I have never done this before but I imagine it is going to be a HUGE pain in the arse. Wish me luck!