So it is all booked and now I just need to wait to go on my cruise! We are leaving Jan 27th from Miami. Then we have one day in Nassau, Bahamas, the next day will be at sea, then St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, then San Juan, Puerto Rico, then Grand Turk Island, Turks and Caicos Islands, and one more day at sea before heading back to Miami. Sooo excited! It was a one day sale today for Carnival Cruises so we got an awesome deal. Good thing there is a lot to do before then because I just want to go right now.
It is one more thing on my list of "Things To Do Before I Turn 30", so that will be good to get something else accomplished. I have a few more in the works, but it is slow going. But at least it is still going, right? That's always good news, right?
Okay, that is all for the updates for now. More to come. Yay for cruises!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Pending Write-A-Thon!
So, I just want you all to know that NaNo is starting soon, and since it is on The List I guess I am participating. I am actually really excited about it - except I really don't have much of a plot so far. I guess tomorrow I will have to spend the day figuring out a plot for my NaNo. I do have an idea from a couple of years ago that I started and then never worked on that is kinda niggling in my brain a little, so I might do that. I thought I was going to use this dream I had as a plot, but I kinda lost love with that idea so ... we will see what I write about. Maybe I will write an autobiography. Haha! You all know how boring that would be eh? Okay, fine, I won't. :-P
In other news I finally got my acceptance and signed the final papers for my course I am taking to become a Health Care Aide. Took long enough, right? I hopefully will be getting books soon so I can start doing the actually work for it and taking the tests and all that stuff. Yay for working on another goal.
Today I went and learned about cruises at a local travel agent place and found out more about that too. That seems like it will be an awesome adventure and I am way excited. I will let you all know once we book things officially. But, just so you know, we will probably be doing the Eastern Caribbean in early Feb. Yay for vacation!
Of course before that happens I will be going on vacation to Portland in December. Some good friends are getting hitched so I am heading down to the wedding. That should also be fun - I miss all my Portland pals. And I like seeing people I like get married to each other :-D
That is about it for updates for me. I am still working on the goals thing, don't you fret or frown. Not that you were, I know you. One of these days I will make a flurry of updates about several things that I have accomplished! You'll see. Until then, stick with me! Love you guys!
In other news I finally got my acceptance and signed the final papers for my course I am taking to become a Health Care Aide. Took long enough, right? I hopefully will be getting books soon so I can start doing the actually work for it and taking the tests and all that stuff. Yay for working on another goal.
Today I went and learned about cruises at a local travel agent place and found out more about that too. That seems like it will be an awesome adventure and I am way excited. I will let you all know once we book things officially. But, just so you know, we will probably be doing the Eastern Caribbean in early Feb. Yay for vacation!
Of course before that happens I will be going on vacation to Portland in December. Some good friends are getting hitched so I am heading down to the wedding. That should also be fun - I miss all my Portland pals. And I like seeing people I like get married to each other :-D
That is about it for updates for me. I am still working on the goals thing, don't you fret or frown. Not that you were, I know you. One of these days I will make a flurry of updates about several things that I have accomplished! You'll see. Until then, stick with me! Love you guys!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Six Months
That's how long it has been since I moved here from Oregon. Almost exactly (I think we left on the 9th so I am a day off, but you will give me a break I think). I have always said that time seems to pass slowly and quickly at the same time (wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey is right!) and I can't argue that that is the case now too. On one hand it seems as if I have been here in Lethbridge forever, when really I have only been living here for just over 2 months. And I feel like I have been at my job forever, and I really just started that like 3 months ago. And on the other hand, it seems like just yesterday I was having my going away party in Oregon and everyone was helping me pack up the uHaul very quickly (which my mom was so impressed with btw).
Things I have done since moving - I have moved (twice if you include the move here), I have made a list of things to do before turning 30 and accomplished 2 things on it so far (almost 3 - you will see soon), I have visited my family and friends in Utah (almost twice since I am leaving tomorrow to go again), I had 3 job interviews and one job offer, I did a six week training, I have worked a ton, I have spent more time with my younger bro and his family, I went to visit my older bro in Radium where he lives, had 2 visits from Oregonian friends - one for a day and the other visit was my two best buds who were here for a week. All in all I have been enjoying myself a lot. At the same time, I have also been missing my friends. I haven't had a chance to meet a lot of people here - I know that is mostly my fault for not putting myself out there - but it really does make me miss the awesome group of people I left behind in Oregon.
Enough with the melancholy, I just wanted to do a little update for how things have been with my since I have moved.
Also, I am now apparently obsessed with lists. Well, to be honest, I have always loved lists, but I haven't blogged as many lists as lately. Deal with it!
Things I have done since moving - I have moved (twice if you include the move here), I have made a list of things to do before turning 30 and accomplished 2 things on it so far (almost 3 - you will see soon), I have visited my family and friends in Utah (almost twice since I am leaving tomorrow to go again), I had 3 job interviews and one job offer, I did a six week training, I have worked a ton, I have spent more time with my younger bro and his family, I went to visit my older bro in Radium where he lives, had 2 visits from Oregonian friends - one for a day and the other visit was my two best buds who were here for a week. All in all I have been enjoying myself a lot. At the same time, I have also been missing my friends. I haven't had a chance to meet a lot of people here - I know that is mostly my fault for not putting myself out there - but it really does make me miss the awesome group of people I left behind in Oregon.
Enough with the melancholy, I just wanted to do a little update for how things have been with my since I have moved.
Also, I am now apparently obsessed with lists. Well, to be honest, I have always loved lists, but I haven't blogged as many lists as lately. Deal with it!
Monday, August 27, 2012
One More Down, Twenty-Eight More To Go ...

I have been having great fun this last week playing with it and taking pics of random things. It was a good week to get it since this week was 'Whoop-Up' days here in Lethbridge so there were lots of fun things to take pics of - a parade, a fair, all kinds of stuff like that. Also, it was 'Corn Fest' in Taber, so I took pics of the fair there too (I am going to post pics on fb soon - keep an eye out!).
It has been fun shooting things with my new canon (see how punny I am? hahaha) Hopefully I will get some more goals accomplished soon. I will keep you posted!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
One Down, Twenty-Nine To Go ...
So I accomplished one of the goals on my list - yay me! It was probably one of the easiest ones on the list too, haha. I moved out of my parents' house. Now, it is funny that this was on my list - I think it makes me sound way lamer than I actually am. I mean, I have lived on my own before and I hadn't lived in their basement for that long anyway. I only moved back to Canada in the beginning of March and I ended up moving out at the beginning of July, so it was, what, 4 months? Not really that long at all. But it was something that needed to happen though, so I am glad it was the first goal I accomplished.
Actually my younger brother and his girlfriend bought a house in Lethbridge and it happens to have a basement suite. I needed a place to live and they had the room so that is where I ended up moving. It is a great place and they aren't charging me too much - and it is good for them too I think because it helps them financially as well. It is close to work which is nice, and I am getting to know Suzie better which is awesome.
It was definitely a great way to accomplish my goal and I am really happy. Hopefully you will be hearing soon about more accomplished goals!
Actually my younger brother and his girlfriend bought a house in Lethbridge and it happens to have a basement suite. I needed a place to live and they had the room so that is where I ended up moving. It is a great place and they aren't charging me too much - and it is good for them too I think because it helps them financially as well. It is close to work which is nice, and I am getting to know Suzie better which is awesome.
It was definitely a great way to accomplish my goal and I am really happy. Hopefully you will be hearing soon about more accomplished goals!
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
30 Things To Do Before 30, And More Lists
So, I made my list finally. It is of 30 things I want to do before turning 30. I got some suggestions from people on fb and here, and I took some and I am keeping some as future references for goals, but this is the list. I want to mention that I reserve the right to remove any of these that I want as long as I replace it with something that I I want to do even more. Don't judge if that happens - you are here to support me, not judge. Without further ado, here is the list:
While I was writing this list I started thinking about all the things I have done up until now in my life. I have done a lot of awesome things! So I made a list of 50 things that I have done so far in my life. This is probably not comprehensive - it is just what I have thought of, but I thought it was a good start. If there are any that you see here and want to know more about, let me know and I will write a post about it! (*EDITED - Jasmine noticed I had saw northern lights on here twice, I changed the second one - thanks girl!)
Run another 5k – get a better time than before
Run a 10k
Re-read the BoM
Re-read the Bible
Go somewhere else tropical – a cruise?
Go through the temple
Publish a work of fiction (self-publishing okay
if time runs out!)
Be kissed on New Years at midnight
Be healthier – exercise much more!!
Get out of debt (or be well on the way)
Get into PA school (or well on the way)
– finish it again
Buy an SLR camera and (re)-learn how to use it
Watch the American Film Institute’s Entire Top
100 list
Get CPR certified
Learn to crochet
Recreate a photo from my childhood
Learn how to play the guitar
Make (start?) a quilt
Move out of my parents house
Get HCA certified
Take a dance class
Go to a concert for someone I haven’t seen yet
Write letters to Grandparents
Go on an overnight trip by myself
Take a yoga class
Keep in better touch with friends – try at least
once a month to communicate everyone
Do a 30 day photo challenge
Paint a self-portrait
Write and send a letter to a favourite author
Was born. (haha)
Graduated high school.
Received a Bachelor’s Degree.
Ran a 5k (x3)
Went bungee jumping
Went skydiving
Went ziplining
Went to Disneyland (twice!)
Went to DisneyWorld (twice!)
Went to Costa Rica
Went to Nicaragua
Went to Las Vegas
Went to Seattle
Went to Vancouver
Lived on a boat for a week – and helped run it!
Was third author on a published paper
Held a monkey (a lot of monkeys!)
Held a bear
Pet a tiger (I think this happened)
Saw the Northern Lights
Get kissed by a sea lion
Knit an afghan
Slept under the stars
Won first in a costume contest (Co-won)
Lived in a foreign country
Drove over the golden gate bridge
Touched a stingray
Painted a picture – and won an award on it
Lived by myself
Sang karaoke in public
Stand under a waterfall
Plant a tree
Been a redhead, a brunette and a blond!
Met a famous person (actually, 2)
Auditioned for a musical
Totaled a car
Move somewhere where I don’t know anyone
Bought a car
Played rugby
Took a ballet/tap dance class
Learned some French
Learned some ASL
Sewed a dress and then wore it
Went rafting
Jumped off a cliff into a body of water
Gone swimming in the ocean
Gone backpacking
Rode on a motorcycle
Been to West Edmonton Mall (twice)
Okay, that's about it for this post today. I hope you are doing well and I am looking forward to updating you as I accomplish things on my list. :D
Thursday, May 31, 2012
This Years Plans
Well, as you may know, yesterday I turned 29. It was a good birthday - I had a couple friends from Oregon here visiting for the week prior to my birthday so we drove all around Southern Alberta and they got to see the country and we all visited and it was fun times.
But, it got me thinking about the fact that next year I am turning the big 3-0. I decided I am going to make a list of things that I want to do/accomplish in the next year so that I don't just keep putting things off for the rest of my life. I have a few ideas about things I want on this list already, but I want some input from you guys - what do you think are good things to try to do in the next year or so. I am already planning to go somewhere awesome on vacation with my Mom again - somewhere tropical (not sure where yet - suggestions for that are good as well). I also have some health goals in mind - exercising and eating better and all that. But I want other things. Like specific books I should read or things I should make or learn how to do or places I should go (that are close - I can only go on one huge holiday you guys, I'm not made of money) or people I should meet or ... well anything! What do you think? I want all suggestions, nothing is too extreme or out there (I of course reserve the right to not put any of them on the list lol). Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Can't wait to hear what you all think I should do with the next year of my life.
But, it got me thinking about the fact that next year I am turning the big 3-0. I decided I am going to make a list of things that I want to do/accomplish in the next year so that I don't just keep putting things off for the rest of my life. I have a few ideas about things I want on this list already, but I want some input from you guys - what do you think are good things to try to do in the next year or so. I am already planning to go somewhere awesome on vacation with my Mom again - somewhere tropical (not sure where yet - suggestions for that are good as well). I also have some health goals in mind - exercising and eating better and all that. But I want other things. Like specific books I should read or things I should make or learn how to do or places I should go (that are close - I can only go on one huge holiday you guys, I'm not made of money) or people I should meet or ... well anything! What do you think? I want all suggestions, nothing is too extreme or out there (I of course reserve the right to not put any of them on the list lol). Thanks in advance for your suggestions! Can't wait to hear what you all think I should do with the next year of my life.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Training is Almost Over
Well, as the title states, the training for my job is almost over. I am liking it a lot so far. I have learned all the proper techniques on how to be a Health Care Aide - how to use mechanical lifts, how to do proper cleaning and washing and a bunch of other things like that. Now I am doing buddy shifts - so basically I am learning more about the specific facility I am working at and that is going well. I am a bit scared to work by myself since I feel like I don't know enough yet, but I guess I will get there eventually.
Other than that I have been pretty boring. I spend a lot of time at home just chilling at watching tv or different shows or reading or whatever. My brother and his girlfriend are out of town for the next couple weeks so I will be sitting at THEIR home watching tv or whatever so that'll be a nice change of pace. Haha.
Also, my friends from Oregon are coming up this week to see me and I am WAY excited about that. We are going to travel around a bit of Southern Alberta and do some different things that are unique to the area and just hang out and have fun. It will be a good time I think. I still have a lot of stuff I have to get ready for their arrival - mostly cleaning stuff around the house since they will be staying here for a couple nights. I haven't had friends of mine come here since high school so it is a bit weird for me, but it'll be good. Most importantly, it will save them some money so that's good.
Anyway, that is about all that is going on for now. I should sign off so I can start my long list of things I need to clean. Luckily I have a few days to do it in, so I am not in a rush yet. Although I am a really good procrastinator, so I have a feeling that the day they are going to get here I will be like 'oh shoot, I still need to clean!' Oh well. Haha. As long as it gets done, who cares when, right? RIGHT?
Other than that I have been pretty boring. I spend a lot of time at home just chilling at watching tv or different shows or reading or whatever. My brother and his girlfriend are out of town for the next couple weeks so I will be sitting at THEIR home watching tv or whatever so that'll be a nice change of pace. Haha.
Also, my friends from Oregon are coming up this week to see me and I am WAY excited about that. We are going to travel around a bit of Southern Alberta and do some different things that are unique to the area and just hang out and have fun. It will be a good time I think. I still have a lot of stuff I have to get ready for their arrival - mostly cleaning stuff around the house since they will be staying here for a couple nights. I haven't had friends of mine come here since high school so it is a bit weird for me, but it'll be good. Most importantly, it will save them some money so that's good.
Anyway, that is about all that is going on for now. I should sign off so I can start my long list of things I need to clean. Luckily I have a few days to do it in, so I am not in a rush yet. Although I am a really good procrastinator, so I have a feeling that the day they are going to get here I will be like 'oh shoot, I still need to clean!' Oh well. Haha. As long as it gets done, who cares when, right? RIGHT?
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Home and (Almost) Employed
Well, I did it. I moved back to Southern Alberta. It happened almost a month ago (see how good I am at keeping you all updated ... sorry). My Mom flew to Portland to help me pack and finish with things
there, and then she and I drove a u-haul back home. It was a great trip
overall. The u-haul got quickly and efficiently packed with the help of
some great friends, and we got my roommate all moved at the same time.
It only took 2 hours to pack all her stuff, unload it at her new apt,
and then pack all my stuff in the u-haul – and we took about half an hour
in there eating carrot cake! It was awesome. Mom was so impressed. Then
we left on Thurs morning to come here. We made it to Coeur d’Alene in
Idaho the first night and we stayed at a Motel 6 there, then we drove
the rest of the way the next day. The border crossing was smooth – you
have to have a list of all the stuff you are bringing with you and the
approx value or everything, but I knew that so I was prepared ahead of
time, and all went well. We were only there for about 10 to 15 mins
total, which was nice. We made it back home around 6 or so that
night. Then we used the u-haul the next day to help my brother and his girlfriend move some stuff to a storage unit before returning it and we still didn't have to pay for extra mileage!
Since then I have watched a lot of tv and movies and read a lot of books (7 in the last month!) and, of course, I have also applied to a lot of jobs. I have had 2 in person interviews and one phone interview. I got a call a few days ago and I got one of the jobs I applied for so YAY! It is to be a health care aide. I have to do a 6 week training course first and then I have to do a distance ed class, but I think most of that should be a breeze (fingers crossed I didn't just jinx myself). And then after that I will just be casual (which means I will just pick up shifts when people are sick or want vacation) but that should be pretty good money, especially over the summer. I am excited. It will be especially good because it will be the perfect thing to help me get into PA school - assuming that I still want to go after doing this :D lol.
I think that is about it for updates. I have been pretty boring. Oh, I do have a car now too. Thanks to my younger brother, who is awesome. He is lending me a spare car of his. It is a 1995 Honda Civic hatchback. It runs well and gets awesome gas mileage, which will be good since I plan to commute until I figure out where I want to live and until I have money to move into an apartment. I am excited to get started working and be able to feel like a real person again instead of just a slacker!
So that means I have one last week of freedom! Any suggestions on what I should do?
Since then I have watched a lot of tv and movies and read a lot of books (7 in the last month!) and, of course, I have also applied to a lot of jobs. I have had 2 in person interviews and one phone interview. I got a call a few days ago and I got one of the jobs I applied for so YAY! It is to be a health care aide. I have to do a 6 week training course first and then I have to do a distance ed class, but I think most of that should be a breeze (fingers crossed I didn't just jinx myself). And then after that I will just be casual (which means I will just pick up shifts when people are sick or want vacation) but that should be pretty good money, especially over the summer. I am excited. It will be especially good because it will be the perfect thing to help me get into PA school - assuming that I still want to go after doing this :D lol.
I think that is about it for updates. I have been pretty boring. Oh, I do have a car now too. Thanks to my younger brother, who is awesome. He is lending me a spare car of his. It is a 1995 Honda Civic hatchback. It runs well and gets awesome gas mileage, which will be good since I plan to commute until I figure out where I want to live and until I have money to move into an apartment. I am excited to get started working and be able to feel like a real person again instead of just a slacker!
So that means I have one last week of freedom! Any suggestions on what I should do?
Saturday, January 07, 2012
New Things!
So, things have been going on in my life that I have been reluctant
to blog about because … I don’t know, I guess mostly because blogging
about it takes time, and I am lazy. And also, blogging about it just
makes it more REAL, you know? (Funny that that makes it MORE real ...)
Anyway, the basic thing is that my job is now over. Well, it will be very soon. As in December 31st was supposed to be my last day. And then it was changed to Jan 6 was my last day – the 31st would still be my last day at work, but Jan 6th
would be the day I turned in my badge and stuff and then I would have
just had that last week as vacation because I have so much vacation
built up! SO MUCH VACATION! I digress.
So, the 6th was
supposed to be my last day but then I was flying home for vacation and I
got this phone call while I was in the air from my boss and she left a
message saying that they had had some meetings about the project and
have a few more things for me to do and would I be able to stay until
mid to late Feb? So, now I am not exactly sure of my last day, but I
know that it will be soon.
I am planning when I am done to move
back to my original home, Southern Alberta (yeah, the same place where
the photo in my background was taken). And I am actually really excited for
the most part. It will be different – I have lived in the US for a long
long time now (10 years) and it has been pretty much all my adult life,
so that will be odd – but I just know that is the right decision for
me. My other option was to move to Pitt and continue working for my
boss, which would have had a lot of benefits (like I would have had a
job) but I just didn’t feel right about that. And I might be crazy – I
am moving to a place I haven’t lived in a long time and I want to get a
job in a field I have never worked in before and there are moments where
I am FREAKING OUT but I still feel like it is right, you know? I have
felt for a long time like I needed something new and this is going to be
the perfect way to get that - new place, new job, new friends, new
Ward. Yay (yikes!)
Heh, my bishopric found out that I am leaving and they want me to give a talk before I go. So the day is Jan 29th, the same day that a guy in our Ward is giving his farewell talk before going on his mission.
that is the main reason I have been putting off posting for so long (obviously not the only reason since this stuff hasn't been going on for as long as I haven't posted) – I
just wasn’t sure the best way to write about all this stuff and for a
long time I was so unsure about what was even going on. Go ahead and
call me crazy if you want, but I don’t care, I know I am and I still
know I am right. Also, send good vibes this way. And if you know anyone
hiring send them my way too :D
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