That is how long it has been since my last update (almost) and I kinda feel bad about it, but I kinda don't because I feel like not a ton has happened and so if I had updated more then you guys would have just been bored. Or something like that. Although looking back at my last post I have to admit that at least one major thing has happened so ... I guess that excuse sucks.
That big thing is that I moved. My roommate (and landlord) got engaged so I had to find new accommodations. I found a place with a girl in the Ward that is a little more expensive than where I was living before, but not a lot, and it is with a super fun girl. It is actually the same complex that I lived in when I first moved to Oregon (not as an intern, but when I got my actual job) so that is nice because I know where everything is and stuff like that. Of course the management is different so things are a bit different, but in general things are pretty much the same. I am in a 2 bed/2 bath this time which is good. It is a super cute apt and the girl is super fun. We are a lot alike in a lot of ways so I feel very comfortable with her and I did almost immediately which is good. I have had that with a lot of the important people in my life and since it happened again I feel like she is going to be an important person in my life as well, which I am totally okay with :D
I have also started a 'Biggest Loser' and I am chronicling those adventures over at this blog. I am not going to say much about it here since I will try to keep that over there, but I do want to say that I feel pretty motivated and I really want to do this and keep going with things after the end of the competition. Let's hope that feeling continues!
Other than that I spend a lot of time working and hanging out with my awesome friends. Life is pretty good right now, I think I am working out problems and trying to find ways to be happy even if I don't get what I want.