Saturday, July 16, 2011

Holy crap on a cracker! I am the worst blogger ever! Okay ... not ever, but I have been bad lately. I keep thinking "I should post" and then I get all busy doing nothing as usual and I don't do it. So, in no particular order of importance or chronologicality (I know its not a real word, just go with it) here is what I should have posted about but haven't.

1) Vancouver. Obviously I was allowed back into the country because had I not been you would have heard from me much much much sooner saying 'woe is me, I have to move back to Canada without a job!' Thank goodness that didn't happen - not because I don't want to move to Canada, but because I want that to be my choice if and when that ever happens. In fact, the border crossing this time was the easiest time I have had. They didn't hum and haw forever. They didn't make comments about 'how little they are paying me'. Nothing. We waited in line forever - 1.5 hours in the car and another 45 mins in the building (maybe I have those backwards - not that that really matters) - but that was the worst of it. We also stayed in the crappiest "Bed and Breakfast" known to mankind. Ugh. It was kinda scummy and gross. Oh well, that's what happens when you are poor and you wait too long to book a hotel I guess. Other than that it was fun - we went to a suspension bridge and we ate lots of fun junk food and basically just enjoyed ourselves.

2) The fourth of July was fun! Let me tell you about it! I ran a 5k for Cancer Awareness and Treatment in the morning. I was slow, but I ran almost the whole thing and I wasn't even too sore the next day! Then we went over to my friends sister's house to watch the parade and they fed us breakfast - waffles, bacon, eggs, sausage - perfect after race food! Then we watched a really long parade and then the same friends invited us to stay for BBQ lunch. It was soooooo good. Hamburgers, beef brisket, pulled pork, yummy cheesy potatoes .... *drools* Makes me hungry just thinking about it. Then we went home intending to nap but my other friend called and said he had free tix to the movies and did we want to go. We did want to go, so we showered quick and took a short short nap (only 30 mins - I wanted to sleep for like 5 times that!) and went to see Cars 2. It wasn't my fave Pixar movie ever, neither was the first Cars, but it was still fun. Then we went to St. Helens to watch the fireworks display there. Then we went home and slept. It was a great day. I love when those happen :D

3) Speaking of 5k's - I not only ran the one mentioned above, but I have now ran 3 so far! I did one in April for Earth Day, and then I did another one on June 21st for the Summer Solstice. It has been fun. The main thing being that since running them I have sorta (read: really!) slacked off on running regularly, so that is dumb of me. I should get back on that horse. But I do love the atmosphere and feel of a race. Good times!

4) My boss was in town a couple weeks ago. She said that we may have overspent our grant money (she wasn't sure but would know more after talking to the guy who deals with the finances more next week). That means worst case scenario is that if we have overspent and if we don't get our other grant funded then my job will essentially be over in like Nov or Dec. She assured me that I wouldn't be screwed - I could either move to Pitt with her or she would help me find something else either here or wherever because she thinks the world of me. I know that this has been a concern before, but it is so annoying. And it makes me feel like I can't ask for a raise even though I need and deserve one. My friend who used to work here recently contacted me and told me he knows of a job opening in Philly and I think I am going to apply for it. I may not take it, but I would rather get it and turn it down than always wonder whether I could have gotten it. Also, according to what he says it pays quite a bit more than I am making, so that'd be a huge plus.

5) Harry Potter! I went to a midnight showing of Harry Potter (this is not really special - I feel like almost everyone in the world went to a midnight showing - but it was still fun!) It was awesome. I enjoyed so much about this movie. Pacing was great, the actors were great, they cut things out but did a good job of tying it all together and not confusing the crap out of the lay person (used in this instance to refer to those who didn't read the book). I have been wanting to re-read the series but I held off so that I wouldn't sit there during the whole movie and just compare it to the book like I did with movie 2 - such a good choice! I think this helped me really get the most from the movie. I wasn't smart enough to go to a double feature of 1 & 2 in a row (I actually didn't know they were doing them until after I bought my ticket) so I think I will go see this again some day when I can watch 7.1 right beforehand, just for fun.

6) Sunday, Aug 14th, I taught Relief Society. (For those who don't know I am LDS and Relief Society is a church meeting where all the women get together and learn together and help each other grow spiritually) Anyway, we only have one teacher right now and it happens to be my friend who is in charge of assigning people to teach so she just had me do it this one time. It was about Family Roles. Not my first choice to teach a lesson on, but I didn't really get to choose so whatever. It went well I think. I am not really the best teacher - in my opinion I am not really even a GOOD teacher - but we made it through and I think I did a good job about not repeating things we have all learned a bazillion times and I didn't dwell on depressing topics for a singles Ward, we had good comments and I didn't end up talking the entire time so I am satisfied.

7) Well, there isn't really a 7 ... so there you have it. My life for the last little while. I am basically happy and the same as always. What a surprise, NOT! (yeah I think I was channeling the early 90's for a minute there, sorry). Well, I guess I should go be productive. I will update sooner (I hope ;D)