So I accomplished one of the goals on my list - yay me! It was probably one of the easiest ones on the list too, haha. I moved out of my parents' house. Now, it is funny that this was on my list - I think it makes me sound way lamer than I actually am. I mean, I have lived on my own before and I hadn't lived in their basement for that long anyway. I only moved back to Canada in the beginning of March and I ended up moving out at the beginning of July, so it was, what, 4 months? Not really that long at all. But it was something that needed to happen though, so I am glad it was the first goal I accomplished.
Actually my younger brother and his girlfriend bought a house in Lethbridge and it happens to have a basement suite. I needed a place to live and they had the room so that is where I ended up moving. It is a great place and they aren't charging me too much - and it is good for them too I think because it helps them financially as well. It is close to work which is nice, and I am getting to know Suzie better which is awesome.
It was definitely a great way to accomplish my goal and I am really happy. Hopefully you will be hearing soon about more accomplished goals!