Friday, November 30, 2007
Good News!!!
I Wanna Be Like You
It's true.
Because you are awesome, and although I may seem just as awesome (at times) I am really not. You think you know what I am like, but you don't. I am who I think you want me to be. I fill the roll I think you need filled in your life, but when I am alone I am void - I am nothing. I'm sorry if this makes you sad, but it is true. What do you want me to be today?
Oh how I wish I could quit my day-job and go jetting around the world and take as much time as I wanted for knitting and writing. But I can't. Sad.
(Some sleepy ramblings and an attempt at creative almost poetry)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Stalling ...
As for other things, I had a really good talk with my co-worker during lunch today and it is great. The subject wasn't great, but it was great that he seemed to understand things I was talking about and didn't judge me for things I said that were a little ... hard to hear. He is a great guy who is very similar to me in a lot of important ways and that makes him a great person to work with. It was one of the best lunch breaks I have had in a long long time. Anyway, I guess it is bed time - tomorrow is going to be a crazy day -but that's all for now, folks!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Phones = Awesome
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Jon Schmidt
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Anyway, I am going to go and relax for a time before I stuff myself. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving (or if you are from Canada then have a good Thursday). Love ya!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Rick Mercer I Love You
I am from Canada but I have lived in the United States for the last five years going to school and working and whatnot. Everytime someone finds out I am from Canada they proceed to make Canada jokes (how did Canada get its name? hyuk hyuk) All I can think of in those times of frustration on my part was Rick Mercer. He is so awesome and has improved my life so much. Thank you Rick. Thank you very much.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sadness ...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Longest Day Ever!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Working Girl
Also, I finished my knitting project and I have pics, but I forgot to ask Skyla if I could post pics of her daughter on here and I don't want to do it without her permission. Maybe I could do some editing of the head and then post them. We'll see.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Day Off
So I totally have made the decision to move. My friend has a house and she will let me move in to a private bedroom for less than half of what I pay for my apartment now. I know I will be giving up my apartment, which I love (it is super cute) but I really need to save money. I have some bills that I am getting sick of owing and I want to start paying more on my student loan. So, the decision has been made, I listed my apartment on Craig's list, and I am going to move at the end of this month/the beginning of next month. Wish me luck!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I Have Failed Again!
Anyway, so I finished that on Tues night at like 2 am, then I worked Wed. Work took a long time on Wed and so I was supposed to stay late, but I had to get my hair recolored (it was a bit orange) so I got that done, then I went to Fry's with some friends, not realizing how long we would be there. Then we left and were starving so we went to get food. I didn't get home 'til midnight (and I didn't go back to work) so I tried to get up and go in early this morning, but it wasn't as early as I had planned and it took longer to do what I had to. Anyway, we eventually did everything we had to, but it still took forever. Then I was supposed to go to someone's place after work and I totally got lost! I am glad I have tomorrow off so I can catch up on my sleep.
Also, I think I am going to move soon. I will keep you updated on that. But now I am going to go and veg out and not think.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Blonde! Oh how I love being a blonde! Well ... at least I am getting used to being a blonde. I took a few pics last night. It is weird how having a different hair color, even though I don't see it that often, has made me act differently. I think that I am more outgoing and stuff because ... I guess I think that people won't recognize me or something. Whatever. Anyway, I like this pic better.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Psychic Radio
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Mandi is Blonde!
That is pretty obvoius, that is what I looked like before. This is the during pic ...
Haha, we bleached it first, then we cut it, then we added a toner. It is still a little oranger than I would like, but I am not sure I can handle any more bleach tonight, so we are going to wait a few days to get the rest of the orange out. The funny thing is that there is a definite difference where my hair was dyed from before and where my roots had grown in my natural color. My roots are very bleached, and the rest is the semi-orange color. Stupid store bought dye!
Anyway, here is the finished picture...
The photo isn't my favourite, but you get the picture. It is a lot different! But I will get use to it eventually ... right? We will see. And we will also see if blonde's really do have more fun!Thursday, November 08, 2007
Today's Post
So today I was talking to my co-worker again (man he makes a lot of appearances in this here blog) and I was telling him things about myself (the way people tend to do when they are talking) and I said something that I had never really said out loud before, but that was really true, and really kinda sad. His reaction was that it was a 'strong statement'. And it was. But I can't feel bad about it, since I had never really thought about it before and I don't know any different so I am not sure I would like a different reality better.
I think that this might make more sense if I was willing to say on here what I said to him in Shari's, but I think that might be a little too revealing, but I hope that you are getting what I am trying to say. I think that it is sad how we always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but how do we know? What makes me think that if things had gone differently in my life I would be happier? I am actually quite happy. Maybe my life hasn't been ideal, but whose has? No one's. Everyone has unfortunate things that have happened in their lives. Everyone!
If my life had gone differently than it did than I would be a totally different person than I am today - but I happen to like the person that I am today. I sometimes wish I was braver or smarter or prettier (always prettier) but I am who I am and I can live with that. And if you can't then you can suck it! I am sorry if this is a repetitive post (I am not sure if I have written this before but I very well might have). Thanks.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Karma ... Oh How I Hate It!
And when it really comes down to it you have to ask if karma really makes sense anyway? Sure, if you do something bad then you have bad stuff happen to you, and if you do good, good things will happen, right? So, does that mean that babies who have Down Syndrome or something like that really DESERVE it because of something they may have done in a past life that they have no idea of and can take no physical accountability for. Or what about children being disabled or something because their parents 'deserve it'? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Seriously, sometimes bad thing just happen to good people, and sometimes good things happen to bad people, and sometimes bad things happen to bad people ... you get the point. That is just how things work, it is not necessarily because they deserve it or earned it in any way, it just is. Accept it. Sucker.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
6Things of Me
1. I dislike silence. I would love to have the radio playing or the TV on or some sort of background noise whereever I go than have to be in silence. Not that I hate silence, that is not exactly right, I just like noise. I think it stems from me thinking my house was haunted when I was little and always having the music on so I couldn't hear the strange sounds from elsewhere in the house. Or maybe I just love music. Whatever the case, I feel better when there is background noise.
2. I don't like to make decisions. Most of you who know me know that this is a very true statement. It is not that I can't make a decision, but it is just that if I don't have an opinion about where we eat dinner and someone else does than why should I deprive them for no good reason. The problem is there are a lot of things I don't have an opinion on and other people get a little annoyed. Oh well, c'est la vie.
3. I love knitting! That might be obvious from other posts on this same blog, but it is true. And maybe I am just an old lady at heart, but I don't care, I love it anyway. I took a sewing class in high school and I loved that too. I think I just like making things.
4. I love writing. I think secretly I have always wanted to be a writer, but I am afraid that if I try to do it as a career then I will start to hate it because I HAVE to do it.
5. I have low self esteem. This sounds kinda cliche I think, but it is true. I think I am okay at things, like knitting and writing, but I know I am not the best (I am not even close to the best really). I would rather not try very hard at something (like writing) than try my hardest and fail and prove to myself that I suck. I figure that if I don't try very hard and I fail then it wasn't my best anyway, so it isn't actual failure. I hate this about myself, but I can't stop it.
6. I don't have emotions. Well, obviously that one isn't true but I don't get worked up about stuff almost at all. I am very even tempered and logical - to the point that I seem to not have emotions. At my last job this was the running joke because in 2 and half years working there I never got emotional. That can be a good thing, because who wants a bunch of emotional nut jobs running around at their job? But still, I didn't get homesick even though I was about 900 miles from home, I didn't get all emotional about dating or my friends. Even when I was leaving that same job I didn't get emotional because it was just another step in life, not something to cry about. I can't decide if this is a good thing or not.
Now a note about the preceding. This list took me a bit to come up with because I didn't want it to be all stupid things or obvious things like "I have blue eyes," but I didn't want to pretend that I was being all profound or that I was deep or anything (which would be a lie after number 6 eh?) Also, it says to 'tag' 6 other bloggers but I really don't know that many people who blog (sad isn't it?) and the ones that I do know who blog I wouldn't want to tag. I did this more for my benefit (and the benefit for my two readers) than for the whole pass it on thing. Sorry, but that is just how I work. I won't forward on your emails either, no matter how many years of bad luck in love I will get for it (thinking back though ... that does explain a few things!)
Until tomorrow then!
Monday, November 05, 2007
A Little Mad .... A Little Relieved
Also, I am a little mad that I got my mail back. I tried to send the thing I had knitted for my little (future) nephew the other day and I got it back in the mail today due to not enough postage. I even went to the post office and had them weight it and stuff - but just as I was arriving the girl behind the counter was having a discussion with some random guy about her relationship with her boyfriend and why it was going to end because people knew about it at work and so I think she was a little distraught and not paying attention to what she was doing. So, I maintain that it was her fault, and not my own, that this didn't get to it's intended target. So I am going to try again ... maybe tomorrow during my lunch break. We will see.
Anyway, until my next post (tomorrow) which will be a little questionnaire that Chelsea sent to me, I bid you adieu.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
That's Why I Love People ...
This is what a guy I work with said to me yesterday. He had just got a new motorcycle helmet and tail bag and we were discussing how useful they were (and how awesome the helmet was) and how nice it is that someone thought of even including a rainproof part (like a fly for a tent) to go over the tail bag for when it rains (which is a lot because we are in Oregon). And it is really nice that someone thought of that so he didn't have to suffer and ruin his laptop or something the first time it rained when he was riding. And there are lots of things that I would never have thought of until too late, and so I am always glad someone else thought of it (even if they had to learn the hard way - which sucks for them, but is great for public in general). So yeah, that is why I love people - they really do think of everything!
Friday, November 02, 2007
3D movies ...
I love 3D movies. They have had 3D movies at places like Disneyland and Disneyworld for a long long time. I am not sure exactly how long, but for a while I think. So why hasn't this caught on more in the mainstream? I mean, even now you have to go to a special showing of a special movie that is only playing in certain theatres before you can see a movie in 3D - but it is so cool! I want to see every movie in 3D. It would make things more realistic and maybe people wouldn't be so desensitized to violence and stuff if it was all in 3 dimensions and popping off the page every time you go to the theatre. Not to mention, the idea of going to the movies is losing steam - people are doing it less and less because you can just wait a few months and get it on DVD to watch in your house. Well, if I knew that the movie in the theatre was going to be different from the one that I just saw in my home than I would make more of an effort to go to the actual theatre!
Another thing that I am surprised hasn't caught on more in life is radio controllers for your car right on your steering wheel. I know that you can get that as a feature in certain vehicles, but for how awesome it is it is still surprisingly rare. For one thing, not having to lean over to mess with the controls every time that song you like comes on and you have to turn it up, or that song you hate comes on and you have to change the channel would be great. So much safer. And I am lazy so the lack of effort needed is nice too.
So those are two things that I think are great and should become more mainstream. And that's all that I have to say about that ... for now.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Happy November!
First blog of the month on this website. I actually blog all the time (well, sometimes) on another site so I guess this is not technically my first time (although my first time was great!) Anyway, I just wanted to put a quick post about how much I love the internet. I live on the west coast and I can talk to my friends in the middle and on the east coast and in other countries while looking up stupid videos of things people in China did while also learning about the local news in my parents hometown all while sitting on my butt at work. And the greatest thing, I can do it anywhere! Most shops or stores you go into nowadays will offer free WiFi which is just stellar. I know you all probably already agree with this post because many of you are bloggers yourselves (or like reading blogs - either way you know the joys of the internet) but I felt the necessity to share my love and devotion for this amazing thing. I would marry the internet if I could, but I don't think that it would stay monogamous to me and then I would get all jealous and we'd have a nasty divorce and then our children's lives would be ruined - so maybe it is better that I can't. But I still love it and will have a love affair with it anytime I want, and you should all feel free to do the same!