Saturday, November 10, 2007

Mandi is Blonde!

What? That's right, you heard me, blonde! Well, I was trying to figure out something different to do with my hair, and I thought, what is more different than blonde? Not a whole lot. So I cut it and I dyed it. First, the before photo ...

That is pretty obvoius, that is what I looked like before. This is the during pic ...

Haha, we bleached it first, then we cut it, then we added a toner. It is still a little oranger than I would like, but I am not sure I can handle any more bleach tonight, so we are going to wait a few days to get the rest of the orange out. The funny thing is that there is a definite difference where my hair was dyed from before and where my roots had grown in my natural color. My roots are very bleached, and the rest is the semi-orange color. Stupid store bought dye!

Anyway, here is the finished picture...

The photo isn't my favourite, but you get the picture. It is a lot different! But I will get use to it eventually ... right? We will see. And we will also see if blonde's really do have more fun!

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