Thursday, April 16, 2009

Again! Oh Noes!

Okay, I know I already posted today, but there is this writing competition that I wanted to enter ... and the deadline is in a month. But the problem is that the entry can only be 4000 words. Uh oh. I am not sure I have anything at all decent that is that short (I don't know if I have anything at all decent that is longer than that either, but I have more recent stuff that is longer). So, if you have a good idea then let me know. I think tonight I am going to have to look through some of my old story ideas and try to find something that is suitable for that length. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Christina said...


This is my personal opinion, but from what I have read of different things that you have written, I have always enjoyed the true stories most. Maybe writing a short personal experience would be good.

Also, you said to beat you if you are still at the same job this summer. I'm just warning you that time is running out quickly.

Good luck,
